Welcome to the In All Things Podcast, where we host conversations with diverse voices about living creatively in God’s created world. Hosted by Justin Ariel Bailey, this podcast complements the creative content found at inallthings.org, the online journal for the Andreas Center at Dordt University.
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
REDESIGNING Towards Flourishing with Ethan Brue (ep. 23)
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
On this episode of the podcast, I am joined by returning guest co-host Kayt Frisch, and together we chat with Dr. Ethan Brue about his new co-authored book, A Christian Field Guide to Technology for Engineers and Designers. Among the topics we discuss:
- How we can place technology, engineering, and design in the wider Christian story
- How technology tends to make itself "invisible" and the implications of that?
- What it might look like to design a home thermostat with more than just temperature in mind
- How we can move towards a definition of "flourishing" the goal of good design
- A fascinating case study about the rise and fall of the electric vehicle in the late 1800s/early 1900s.
- How we can navigate between technological optimism and pessimism, and what every Christian engineering student should know.
Get the book: https://www.ivpress.com/a-christian-field-guide-to-technology-for-engineers-and-designers
To read Dr. Kayt Frisch's review: https://inallthings.org/how-is-your-technology-use-shaping-you-today-a-review-of-a-christian-field-guide-to-technology-for-engineers-and-designers/
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
RECKONING with Race with Vince Bacote (ep. 22)
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
On this episode of the podcast, I am joined by Dr. Vince Bacote, a professor of theology and author. The conversation focuses on two recent pieces by Dr. Bacote: a chapter on Kuyper and Race in Calvinism for a Secular Age and a short book entitled Reckoning with Race and Performing the Good News. Among the topics we discuss:
- Dr. Bacote's testimony of his encounter with Abraham Kuyper's theology and racism, marked by delight, dissonance, distress, and decision.
- Why it is so important to listen to the testimonies of those who have struggled to reconcile evangelicalism's promise with its failures
- Why Dr. Bacote has decided to stay within the evangelical movement and what resources are available for reckoning with race and renewing the movement
- Why we must take culture seriously as we interpret Scripture
- The most important resources from Kuyper and what other thinker Kuyperians should get to know.
Resources mentioned in this podcast:
Dr. Bacote's article, "Gifts from Father Abraham": https://comment.org/gifts-from-father-abraham/
Learning from a Legend by Jared Alcantara: https://wipfandstock.com/9781498226097/learning-from-a-legend/
Follow Dr. Bacote: https://twitter.com/vbacote
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
RENEWING Our Imaginations with Jessica Hooten Wilson (ep. 21)
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
On this episode of the podcast we are joined by professor and author Dr. Jessica Hooten Wilson, to talk about her new book, The Scandal of Holiness. Together we discuss how reading good books can renew our imagination, allowing us to keep company with "literary saints." Among the questions we discuss:
- What makes a character a literary saint, and why should we spend time in their company?
- Why do we have such a hard time trusting holiness, and what do we miss if we lose sight of it?
- Should we seek suffering? How do we distinguish between asceticism and masochism?
- How do various means of engagement (literature, art, contemplation) shape our imagination?
- Who are some lesser known authors that Christians should read?
Books mentioned in our conversation:
Moses, Man of the Mountain by Zora Neale Hurston
Silence by Shūsaku Endō
On Reading Well by Karen Swallow Prior
Book of the Dun Cow by Walter Wangerin Jr.
Kristin Lavransdatter by Sigrid Undset
A Lesson Before Dying A Gathering for Old Men by Ernest J. Gaines
Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Diary of a Country Priest by Georges Bernanos
Other authors mentioned in our conversation:
C.S. Lewis
George MacDonald
Randy Boyagoda
Walker Percy
Flannery O'Connor
Get the book: http://bakerpublishinggroup.com/books/the-scandal-of-holiness/407181
Dr. Wilson's website: https://jessicahootenwilson.com/
Follow Jessica Hooten Wilson on Twitter: https://twitter.com/HootenWilson
Kelly Latimore 's "literary icons": https://kellylatimoreicons.com/
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
REDEEMING Power with Diane Langberg (ep. 20)
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
On this episode of the podcast, I am joined by guest co-host Dr. Tara Boer (professor of social work). Together we interview Dr. Diane Langberg, an internationally recognized psychologist, counselor, and speaker, who is also the author of the book Redeeming Power: Understanding Authority and Abuse in the Church (Brazos, 2020). Among the topics we discuss:
- How do we define power, vulnerability, and abuse? How can we identify "spiritual abuse" in a church context?
- Why have some Christians been resistant to the #metoo or #churchtoo movements? Are false accusations a legitimate threat?
- What does it mean to redeem power? What safeguards can be put in place, especially in male-dominated settings?
- How do we support victims and help them heal?
- How have you, during a 50+ year career dealing with these difficult issues, found the courage and hope to continue?
Dr. Tara Boer's review at In All Things: https://inallthings.org/the-power-within-us-a-review-of-redeeming-power/
Dr. Langberg's website (lots of resources): https://www.dianelangberg.com/
American Bible Society: Trauma Healing: https://ministry.americanbible.org/trauma-healing/about-trauma-healing
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
RESOURCING in a Crisis of Expertise with Josh Reeves (ep. 19)
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
On this episode of the podcast, I am joined by guest co-host Dr. Jeff Ploegstra (professor of biology). Together we interview Dr. Josh Reeves, Director of the Samford Center for Science and Religion at Samford University, and author of the book Redeeming Expertise, Scientific Trust and the Future of the Church (Baylor, 2021). Among the topics we discuss:
- How to make sense of the crisis of expertise in which we find ourselves - is there a way to redeem expertise?
- Distinguishing three forms of expertise, and placing scientific expertise in perspective
- How knowledge is always a communal project, requiring us to trust others and to cultivate communities of critical thinking.
- On the possibilities and limitations of science, what science does well and what it can't do
Dr. Ploegsta's review: https://inallthings.org/scientists-arent-hostile-alien-priests-a-review-of-redeeming-expertise/
Follow Dr. Reeves: https://twitter.com/joshareeves
Buy the book: https://www.baylorpress.com/9781481316156/redeeming-expertise/
Monday Feb 07, 2022
RETRIEVING Kuyper, Warts & All with Jessica and Robert Joustra (ep. 18)
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Monday Feb 07, 2022
On this episode of the podcast, I talk with Jessica and Robert Joustra, about the new book they've coedited, Calvinism for a Secular Age: A Twenty-First Century Reading of Abraham Kuyper's Stone Lectures. Among the topics we discuss:
– How can we distinguish between all the varieties of Calvinism and Neo-Calvinism?
– Why should North Americans living in the 21st century be interested in lectures on Calvinism given by a 19th century Dutch polymath?
– When it comes to continuing an intellectual tradition, what is the relationship between looking back and looking forward?
– How should we think about Kuyper's flaws, and how should we complicate his legacy?
– What can the Kuyperian tradition learn from the wider Christian world?
– Why might Kuyper's vision be especially appropriate for "a secular age"?
To read a short piece in which the authors introduce their book: https://inallthings.org/can-calvinists-save-the-world-a-review-of-calvinism-for-a-secular-age/
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
RESTING in a Frantic World with April Fiet (ep. 17)
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
On this episode of the podcast, I am joined by guest co-host Erin Olson, and together we talk with April Fiet about her new book, The Sacred Pulse: Holy Rhythms for Overwhelmed Souls (Broadleaf Books). Among the topics we discuss:
– How those of us who are adept at "managing our time" may actually just be better at "hiding our weariness"
– How we can find holy rhythms in the midst of a culture and time where we are able and encouraged to "work anywhere and everywhere and at any time"
– How we can add practices in a way that is life-giving and sustainable instead of "one more thing" on the to do list
– On the way that felt futility of living intentionally, the difficulty of friendship as an adult, and ways to normalize grief and messiness
– One thing to know, and one thing to do if we want to change
To read Dr. Erin Olson's review of April Fiet's book: https://inallthings.org/reimagining-rhythms-a-review-of-the-sacred-pulse/
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
RECOVERING from our Devices with Felicia Wu Song (ep. 16)
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
On this episode of the podcast, I am joined by guest co-host Kayt Frisch, and together we talk with sociologist Dr. Felicia Wu Song about her new book, Restless Devices: Recovering Personhood, Presence, and Place in a Digital Age. Among the topics we discuss:
– How our devices (phones and computers) are more than mere tools, and what it means to evaluate them as cultural artifacts, the results of complex processes, driven by diverse influences
– What Christian designers and programmers can do to as they work in digital spaces
– How we should think about counter-cultural movements like "digital minimalism" and how the Christian story offers something distinct
– Why it is so difficult for us to change our digital habits and whether there are better ways to approach our counter-formation
– One thing to know, and one thing to do if we want to change
To read Dr. Kayt Frisch's review of Dr. Song's book: https://inallthings.org/corrupted-comforts-a-review-of-restless-devices/
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
REUNITING Faith & Science with Jennifer Powell McNutt (ep. 15)
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
On this episode of the podcast, we talk with theologian and historian Rev. Dr. Jennifer Powell McNutt about the relationship between science and theology. Together we discuss:
– How the narrative of a conflict between faith and science developed, and how this story of obscures important historical realities, especially during the Reformation
– The relationship between science and theology as well as between God’s two books: the book of creation and the book of Scripture.
– How we think about scientific investigation given the tension between suspicion (because of human sin) and confidence (because of the divine image and the reliability of human faculties)
– “Epistemic trespassing” and how pastors can live with the burden of being expected to weigh in on scientific issues, and how they build bridges between science and theology.
Books mentioned in this podcast:
History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science by John William Draper (1874)
A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology by Andrew Dickson White (1896)
Science and Theology in the Reformation by Charlotte Methuen (2008)
Since the Beginning: Interpreting Genesis 1 and 2 through the Ages ed. Kyle Greenwood (2018)
Follow Jennifer Powell McNutt on Twitter: https://twitter.com/jpowellmcnutt
Here is a link to Dr. McNutt’s First Mondays talk at Dordt University: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-NTB-m2BQM
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
PLANTING Trees, Songs, & Stories with Andrew Peterson (ep. 14)
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
On this episode of the podcast, we talk with singer-songwriter, author-beekeeper Andrew Peterson, about his new book The God of the Garden: Thoughts on Creation, Culture, and the Kingdom. Together we discuss:
– How the Covid-lockdown forced AP to put down roots after being on the road for the last 25 years, and the sort of creativity that being rooted in a physical place can produce.
– Why trees have so captivated AP's imagination and anchored his memory.
– How working with our hands connects to working with words, music, and art.
– On planting seeds of hope amidst seasons of sadness, and what it means to remain open and vulnerable instead of hardening our hearts
– On telling stories that are deeply (not necessarily overtly) Christian, and how AP navigates the tension between Fall and Redemption.
– On practices that nourish ordinary creativity among artists and non-artists alike.
The podcast includes a short reading of the opening pages of the book (12:36).
Order The God of the Garden from The Rabbit Room: https://store.rabbitroom.com/products/the-god-of-the-garden
Follow Andrew Peterson: https://www.andrew-peterson.com/
Bible Project Podcast on Trees (mentioned at 11:50): https://bibleproject.com/podcast/humans-are-trees/
Here is a link to Ruth Clark's IAT review of The God of the Garden: https://inallthings.org/for-the-beauty-of-the-earth-a-review-of-the-god-of-the-garden/
***Production note: this is the first episode we were able to record in person. Special thanks to tech genius Alex Priore for making it happen.***